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There is a common poker hands ranking system at the heart of all forms of poker. It ranks the relative ❤️ strengths of all the different poker hands so players can understand and determine which is the best.

All the popular forms ❤️ of poker such as Texas Hold’em or Omaha and poker-based casino games like three-card poker use these rankings, so it ❤️ is essential to know exactly what each of them means.

The poker hand rankings are listed below, from high to low, ❤️ and we have also produced a useful poker hand rankings chart that you can save to your phone and desktop, ❤️ which can be used as a poker hand rankings cheat sheet.

You can find all the best new customer poker offers ❤️ on our poker bonus sign up offers page.

Poker-hand rankings: from strongest to weakest

1. Royal flush

The royal flush is the best ❤️ hand available in poker. It features five consecutive cards, all of the same suit, in order of value from 10 ❤️ through to ace.

2. Straight flush

Any five cards of successive values in the same suit that’s not a royal flush is ❤️ a straight flush. A royal flush or a straight flush with cards of higher ranking are the only hands that ❤️ can beat a straight flush.

3. Four of a Kind

Four of the same card in the four suits. The five-card hand ❤️ is completed by the highest card among the others on the table or in your hand.

4. Full house

Three of the ❤️ same value card in three different suits plus a different pair of the same rank card in two different suits ❤️ in one hand. If more than just one player has a full house the player with the highest value three ❤️ of a kind will win the hand.

5. Flush

Five cards of the same suit in no particular order. If more than ❤️ one player has a flush, the hand with the highest valued card will win.

6. Straight

Five cards of consecutive numerical value ❤️ composed of more than one suit. An ace can normally rank as low (below a 2) or high (above a ❤️ king) but not at the same time in one hand.

7. Three of a kind

A poker hand containing three cards of ❤️ the same rank in three different suits. The two highest available cards besides the three of a kind complete the ❤️ hand.

8. Two pair

Two different sets of two cards of matching rank. The highest-ranked left available card completes the hand.

9. Pair

A ❤️ pair of cards of the same rank in different suits. The remainder of the hand is formed from the three ❤️ highest-ranked cards available.

10. High card

The lowest-ranked hand available. The highest card in the hand is your ‘best hand’. In this ❤️ case it's the king of clubs.

Poker hand-rankings cheat sheet: Download here (pdf)

Our poker hands ranking cheat sheet is a great ❤️ aid to help you commit the poker hand rankings to memory and will serve you well whether you are playing ❤️ online poker or physical poker in the meantime.

Poker hand rankings: ‘Hi’ games, ‘Lo’ games and ‘Hi-Lo’ games

It is vital that ❤️ you note that not all poker games decide the winning hand according to the highest ranked on the poker hand ❤️ rankings. There are three typical ways that the poker hand rankings determine the best poker hand.

Hi or high-hand poker

The most ❤️ simple way the ranks are used is in ‘Hi’ or High hand games where the best poker hand is decided ❤️ according to the hand which ranks highest on the poker hand rankings detailed above.

Commonly played examples include: Texas Holdem, Seven-Card ❤️ Stud

Lo, low-hand or lowball poker

Lowball poker hand rankings work in the exact opposite way to High hand games. The usual ❤️ poker hand rankings are reversed so the lowest ranking hand is the best possible hand. Variations often centre around whether ❤️ the Ace is high or low and whether straights and flushes are counted.

Commonly played examples include: Razz

Hi-lo or high-low split ❤️ poker

The third and final use of the poker hand rankings is high-low split games. This is where the pot is ❤️ split evenly between the players with the highest ranking poker hand and lowest ranking poker hand.

Commonly played examples include: Omaha ❤️ Hi-Lo

Learn how to play popular types of poker and the rules specific to each game

Want to know the rules specific ❤️ to popular types of poker? Check out the links below.

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