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Lowball or low poker is a variant of poker in which the normal ranking of hands is

inverted. Several variations 💶 of lowball poker exist, differing in whether aces are

treated as high cards or low cards, and whether straights and 💶 flushes are


Low-poker ranking [ edit ]

Lowball inverts the normal ranking of poker hands.

There are three methods of ranking 💶 low hands, called ace-to-five low, deuce-to-seven

low, and ace-to-six low. The 'ace-to-five' method is most common. A sub-variant within

this 💶 category is 'high-low poker', in which the highest and lowest hands split the pot,

with the highest hand taking any 💶 odd chips if the pot does not divide equally.

Sometimes straights and/or flushes count in determining which hand is highest 💶 but not

in determining which hand is lowest, being reckoned as a no-pair hand in the latter

instance, so that 💶 a player with such a holding can win both ways and thus take the

entire pot.

Lowball variants [ edit ]

The 💶 most popular forms of lowball are ace-to-five

lowball (also known as California lowball), and deuce-to-seven lowball (also known as

Kansas 💶 City lowball). Ace-to-five lowball gets its name because the best hand at that

form is 5-4-3-2-A. In ace-to-five lowball straights 💶 and flushes do not prevent a hand

from being low. You win by simply having the five lowest cards. Deuce-to 💶 seven lowball

gets its name because the best hand at that form is 7-5-4-3-2 (not of the same


Ace-to-five low 💶 is the most common method for evaluating low hands in poker,

nearly universal in U.S. casinos, especially in high-low split 💶 games.

As in all low

hand games, pairs count against the player. That is, any hand with no pair defeats any

💶 hand with a pair; one pair hands defeat two pair or three of a kind, etc. No-pair hands

are compared 💶 starting with the highest-ranking card, just as in high poker, except that

the high hand loses. In ace-to-five low, straights 💶 and flushes are ignored, and aces

play as the lowest card.

For example, the hand 8-5-4-3-2 defeats 9-7-6-4-3, because

eight-high is 💶 lower than nine-high. The hand 7-6-5-4-3 defeats both, because seven-high

is lower still, even though it would be a straight 💶 if played for high. Aces are low, so

8-5-4-3-A defeats 8-5-4-3-2. Also, A-A-9-5-3 (a pair of aces) defeats 2-2-5-4-3 (a 💶 pair

of deuces), but both of those would lose to any no-pair hand such as K-J-8-6-4. In the

rare event 💶 that hands with pairs tie, kickers are used just as in high poker (but

reversed): 3-3-6-4-2 defeats 3-3-6-5-A.

This is called 💶 ace-to-five low because the

lowest (and therefore best) possible hand is 5-4-3-2-A, called a "wheel". The next best

possible hand 💶 is 6-4-3-2-A, followed by 6-5-3-2-A, 6-5-4-2-A, 6-5-4-3-A, 6-5-4-3-2,

7-4-3-2-A, 7-5-3-2-A, etc.

When speaking, low hands are referred to by their

highest-ranking 💶 card or cards. Any nine-high hand can be called "a nine", and is

defeated by any "eight". Two cards are 💶 frequently used: the hand 8-6-5-4-2 can be

called "an eight-six" and will defeat "an eight-seven" such as 8-7-5-4-A.


common notation 💶 is calling a particular low hand "smooth" or "rough". A smooth low hand

is one where the remaining cards after 💶 the highest card are themselves very low; a

rough low hand is one where the remaining cards are high. For 💶 instance, 8-7-6-3-A would

be referred to as a "rough eight", but 8-4-3-2-A would be referred to as a "smooth

eight". 💶 Some players refer to a hand containing a 4-3-2-A (in ace-to-five low or

ace-to-six low) or a 5-4-3-2 (in deuce-to-seven 💶 low) as a "nut" (thus, in ace-to-five

or ace-to-six, a 7-4-3-2-A would be called a "seven nut").

High-low split games with

💶 ace-to-five low are usually played cards speak, that is, without a declaration.

Frequently a qualifier is required for low (typically 💶 8-high or 9-high). Some hands

(particularly small straights and flushes) may be both the low hand and the high hand,

💶 and are particularly powerful (or particularly dangerous if they are mediocre both

ways). Winning both halves of the pot in 💶 a split-pot game is called "scooping" or

"hogging" the pot. The perfect hand in such a game is called a 💶 "steel wheel", 5-4-3-2-A

of one suit, which plays both as perfect low and a straight flush high. Note that it 💶 is

possible—though unlikely—to have this hand and still lose money. If the pot has three

players, and one other player 💶 has a mixed-suit wheel, and a third has better straight

flush, the higher straight flush wins the high half of 💶 the pot, and the two wheels

split the low half, hence the steel wheel wins only a quarter of a 💶 three-way


Ace-to-five lowball, a five-card draw variant, is often played with a joker added

to the deck. The joker plays 💶 as the lowest card not already present in the hand (in

other words, it is a wild card): 7-5-4-Joker-A, for 💶 example, the joker plays as a 2.

This can cause some interesting effects for high-low split games. Let's say that 💶 Alice

has 6-5-4-3-2 (called a "straight six")--a reasonably good hand for both high and low.

Burt has Joker-6-5-4-3. By applying 💶 the rule for wild cards in straights, Burt's joker

plays as a 7 for high, giving him a seven-high straight 💶 to defeat Alice's six-high

straight. For low, the joker plays as an ace—the lowest card not in Burt's hand—and his

💶 hand also defeats Alice for low, because his low hand is 6-5-4-3-A, lower than her

straight six by one notch. 💶 Jokers are very powerful in high-low split games.

Wheel [

edit ]

A wheel or bicycle is the poker hand 5-4-3-2-A, regardless 💶 of suit, which is a

five-high straight, the lowest-ranking of the straights.

In ace-to-five low poker,

where aces are allowed to 💶 play as low and straights and flushes do not count against a

hand's "low" status, this is the best possible 💶 hand. In high/low split games, it is

both the best possible low hand and a competitive high hand. The best 💶 deuce-to-seven

low hand, 7-5-4-3-2, is also sometimes called "the wheel".

Ace-to-six low is not as

commonly used as the ace-to-five low 💶 method, but it is common among home games in the

eastern region of the United States, some parts of the 💶 mid-west, and also common in the

United Kingdom (it is the traditional ranking of London lowball, a stud poker


As 💶 in all lowball games, pairs and trips are bad: that is, any hand with no

pair defeats any hand with 💶 a pair; one pair hands defeat two pair or trips, etc.

No-pair hands are compared starting with the highest-ranking card, 💶 just as in high

poker, except that the high hand loses. In ace-to-six low, straights and flushes are

accounted for 💶 (as compared to Ace-to-five) and count as high (and are therefore bad),

and aces play as the lowest card.

For example, 💶 the hand 8-5-4-3-2 defeats 9-7-6-4-3,

because eight-high is lower than nine-high. The hand 7-6-5-4-2 defeats both, because

seven-high is lower 💶 still. The hand 7-6-5-4-3 would lose, because it is a straight.

Aces are low, so 8-5-4-3-A defeats 8-5-4-3-2. Also, A-A-9-5-3 💶 (a pair of aces) defeats

2-2-5-4-3 (a pair of deuces), but both of those would lose to any no-pair hand 💶 such as

K-J-8-6-4. In the rare event that hands with pairs tie, kickers are used just as in

high poker 💶 (but reversed): 3-3-6-4-2 defeats 3-3-6-5-A.

It is called ace-to-six low

because the best possible hand is 6-4-3-2-A (also known as a 💶 Chicago Wheel or a 64),

followed by 6-5-3-2-A, 6-5-4-2-A, 6-5-4-3-A, 7-4-3-2-A, 7-5-3-2-A, etc.

When speaking,

low hands are referred to by 💶 their highest-ranking card or cards. Any nine-high hand

can be called "a nine", and is defeated by any "eight". Two 💶 cards are frequently used:

the hand 8-6-5-4-2 can be called "an eight-six" and will defeat "an eight-seven" such

as 8-7-5-4-A.

A 💶 wild card plays as whatever rank would make the lowest hand. Thus, in

6-5-Joker-2-A, the joker plays as a 3, 💶 while in Joker-5-4-3-2 it would play as a 7 (an

ace or six would make a straight).

High-low split games with 💶 ace-to-six low are usually

played with a declaration.

Deuce-to-seven low is often called Kansas City lowball (the

no-limit single-draw variation) or 💶 just "low poker". It is almost the direct opposite

of standard poker: high hand loses. It is not as commonly 💶 used as the ace-to-five low


As in all lowball games, pairs and trips are bad: that is, any hand with 💶 no

pair defeats any hand with a pair; one pair hands defeat two pair or trips, etc.

No-pair hands are 💶 compared starting with the highest-ranking card, just as in high

poker, except that the high hand loses. In deuce-to-seven low, 💶 straights and flushes

count as high (and are therefore bad). Aces are always high (and therefore bad).


example, the hand 💶 8-5-4-3-2 defeats 9-7-6-4-3, because eight-high is lower than

nine-high. The hand 7-6-5-4-2 defeats both, because seven-high is lower still. The 💶 hand

7-6-5-4-3 would lose, because it is a straight. Aces are high, so Q-8-5-4-3 defeats

A-8-5-4-3. In the rare event 💶 that hands with pairs tie, kickers are used just as in

high poker (but reversed): 3-3-6-4-2 defeats 3-3-6-5-2.

Since the ace 💶 always plays

high, A-5-4-3-2 (also called the Nut Ace) is not considered a straight; is simply

ace-high no pair (it 💶 would therefore lose to any king-high, but would defeat


The best possible hand is 7-5-4-3-2 (hence the name deuce-to-seven low),

💶 followed by 7-6-4-3-2, 7-6-5-3-2, 7-6-5-4-2, 8-5-4-3-2, 8-6-4-3-2, etc. Hands are

sometimes referred to by their absolute rank, e.g. 7-5-4-3-2 (#1, 💶 said 'number one',

see table).

Hand Name (#) Other Name 7-5-4-3-2 #1 Seven perfect, The nuts, Number one,

The wheel 7-6-4-3-2 💶 #2 7-6-5-3-2 #3 7-6-5-4-2 #4 8-5-4-3-2 #5 Nut Eight, Eight perfect

8-6-4-3-2 #6 8-6-5-3-2 #7 8-6-5-4-2 #8 8-6-5-4-3 #9 Rough 💶 eighty-six 8-7-4-3-2 #10

Eighty-seven smooth 8-7-5-3-2 #11 8-7-5-4-2 #12 Average eight 8-7-5-4-3 #13 8-7-6-3-2

#14 8-7-6-4-2 #15 8-7-6-4-3 #16 8-7-6-5-2 💶 #17 8-7-6-5-3 #18 Rough eighty-seven, The

Dave P. 9-5-4-3-2 #19 Nut Nine, Nine perfect

When speaking, low hands are referred to

💶 by their highest-ranking card or cards. Any nine-high hand can be called "a nine", and

is defeated by any "eight". 💶 Two cards are frequently used: the hand 8-6-5-4-2 can be

called "an eight-six" and will defeat "an eight-seven" such as 💶 8-7-5-4-2.


common notation is calling a particular low hand "smooth" or "rough". A smooth low hand

is one where the 💶 remaining cards after the highest card are themselves very low; a

rough low hand is one where the remaining cards 💶 are high. For instance, 8-7-6-4-2 would

be referred to as a "rough eight", but 8-5-4-3-2 would be referred to as 💶 a "smooth


Wild cards are rarely used in deuce-to-seven games, but if used they play as

whatever rank would make 💶 the lowest hand. Thus, in 7-6-Joker-3-2, the joker plays as a

4, while in Joker-5-4-3-2 it would play as a 💶 7 (a six would make a straight).


split games with deuce-to-seven low are usually played with a declaration.

See also [

💶 edit ]

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